Meet Your Committee

Mark Blyth
I grew up in Edinburgh and learned to ski at Hillend. Race training followed and I was a member of the British Ski Team for 3 years before going to medical school. I am currently an Orthopaedic Knee Surgeon working in Glasgow. I have 3 children who are all active ski racers, currently studying at Apex 2100 – an international ski racing academy in the French Alps. I am still involved in coaching and help out with the club’s race training programme at Cairngorm and in the Alps.

Secretary & Glencoe Convener
Seonaid Cleare
Hello! I’m Seonaid, I grew up skiing at Glencoe with input from the SSC regulars, followed by lessons in the Glencoe ski club (GSC). I am currently hut convenor for Glencoe, as well as Secretary. Perched at the top of the cliffhanger chair at around 2800ft, the hut offers fantastic panoramas across the glen and moors. We are in the process of replacing the cladding; a challenging job made even more so by the hut’s incredible location. If you would like to be involved in this incredible project, pop me an email. Outside of the SSC, I am a mental health researcher in Glasgow. My research focuses on understanding factors which may increase or reduce individuals’ vulnerability to emotional distress and self-harm and suicide.

Wilma McIntyre
I joined the committee in the Autumn of 2017 and took over the role of Treasurer at the AGM in November 2017. As a family my two sons trained with SSC at Cairngorm and raced at various locations in Europe. Our ski trips over the last few years have centred around these races and trips to Cairngorm for race training for them.

Vice-President & Race Training Convener
Andrew Saunders
I started skiing when I was 7 years old at Bearsden Ski Club. When I was in my early teens I was skiing weekends at Cairngorm when I could and was in the SSC hut most lunchtimes. I am now back at Cairngorm in my later years as a parent to two boys that are actively engaged in ski racing both with SSC and out in the Alps. Hanging around with all the parents that I used to ski with as a boy is really fun and it’s great to see all our kids enjoying themselves together on the hill like we did when we were younger.

Head Coach
Calum Shepherd
I learned to ski when I was 4 at the dry slope in Aberdeen and skied with my parents at Glenshee & the Lecht and on holidays to the Alps. It was a natural progression for me to move up to club coaching sessions and from there caught the ski racing ‘bug’! I trained at Glenshee with the Performance Squad there from age 12, using the SSC hut, and then in the ATC racing program abroad. I gradually picked up the coaching side of things from the age of 16 and after four years of FIS racing became the club’s Head Coach. In 2023 I graduated from Heriot-Watt University with a Masters degree in Computing and Electronics. When I’m not running the club training program, I spend my time developing software for sports clubs, including SSC.

Cairngorm Convener
Colin McFarlane
My parents introduced me, my older brother and younger sister to skiing at the age of 4 when winter holidays would be a caravan in Loch Morlich, and packed lunches in the club hut. I came fairly late to racing, training for a few years with Ed Pirie at Glenshee as a teenager, and at Firpark with MAD. I switched from skiing to shinty at university but came back into alpine racing some years later, competing in Army races for the Parachute Regiment.
I am married to Sarah and we have 2 children, both of whom train and race with SSC. Innes, the eldest is already taller and faster than me, and I suspect it won’t be long before April overtakes me too. I own a cloud hosting company and an ISP business which keeps us busy, but hopefully still leaves a bit of time for skiing.

Backcountry Convener
Felicity Houbert
I started skiing with my three brothers up at Hillend and went on to race train there and at Cairngorm. This led on to many memorable training camps with SSC both here and abroad.
I have been a teacher of Mathematics for many years both in Glasgow and in Edinburgh. All my other interests generally involve being outdoors so I am enjoying my new role as Backcountry convenor.

Committee Member
Rona Hulbert
I have been SSC member for at least 59 of my 62 years, participating in all the junior race training programs back in the day with my brothers Robin, Bruce and Rory Simpson. As did my two daughters. Our family has been part of the club for several generations with my mum Myrtle Simpson also a previous president. I have been on the committee for approximately 18 years, serving as vice president, president and now as a past president. The club has given myself and my family a sense of belonging amongst kindred spirits who love skiing in all kinds of Scottish weather.

Committee Member
Moira Langmuir
I joined the club as a youngster living in the Cairngorms and later in Edinburgh. Many of my oldest and dearest friends I met in those early ski racing years. Somehow, 50+ years later, I found myself on the committee first as secretary and then president. Now on the way down from those lofty heights I’m retired and enjoy skiing in perfect conditions during the week … in an ideal world.
Journal Editor
Alan Robertson
I joined the club as a youngster living in the Cairngorms and later in Edinburgh. Many of my oldest and dearest friends I met in those early ski racing years. Somehow, 50+ years later, I found myself on the committee first as secretary and then president. Now on the way down from those lofty heights I’m retired and enjoy skiing in perfect conditions during the week … in an ideal world.
Committee Member
Bill Aitken
I first joined SSC in 1960 so am a long-standing member. This has included many years on the Committee, among them nine as Secretary and President for three. I am now retained because I know about our history and governance. We skied as a family for many years in Scotland and the Alps, and I have also had several weeks with Snoworks – the off-piste company run by Emma Carrick Anderson and her husband. A highlight was 2 weeks in Chile/Argentina.
Committee Member
Kenny Waitt
I and my wife, Dawn, have two sons, Stuart and Scott. Both are former alpine ski racers who represented SSC in Scotland and abroad. I am a director of a commercial property investment and development company. I’m an enthusiastic skier, mostly enjoying downhill skiing but also the occasional ski tour. Other outdoor pursuits include golf, marching the hills of Scotland with Dawn, and cycle adventures. I am SSC’s representative on Snowsport Scotland’s Alpine Committee.
Committee Member
Virginia Beckett
I started skiing at the age of 13 at Hillend and was immediately hooked. Together with my younger siblings, winters were spent training and racing at Cairngorm with SSC and at training champs in the Alps. I carried on racing at Aberdeen University before ‘retiring’ to take up a ‘proper job’ as a chartered surveyor. The shared highs and lows of Scottish ski racing forged bonds of friendship which endure to this day. As an SSC committee member I am enjoying rekindling friendships and making a contribution to the club which gave me so much. My two children share my love of skiing and are members of the SSC. I enjoyed some great weekend backcountry adventures last season with the new SSC Backcountry Section including an excellent avalanche course, and plan to continue exploring in 2025.
Social Media Convener
James Pitcher
I was the Activities Manager at Glencoe Mountain for 4 years, where my duties included increasing Glencoe’s Facebook followers by c 30k, Instagram by c 12k, and Twitter by c 2k. I also created a TikTok account which recently got 12k views from one video. I have over 20 years’ experience in the snowsports industry; beginning my coaching career in Scotland while completing a degree in Immunology, continuing it with seasons in North America, and managing a snow school in England. I am a Snowsports Scotland Tutor for snowboarding and alpine skiing, and hold the tier 3 instructor certification in the American instructor system in both sports. I recently completed an MBA in my spare time.
Committee Member
Andrew Strawbridge
I started skiing at 22, to keep up with my wife Lara who has being skiing since she was a tiny tot. Although she beat me in the 2023 Convener’s Canter race, I am hoping that lots of backcountry skiing in 2024 season will give me a head start for next year! I am a mechanical engineer and currently completing an engineering degree while working full time. In my spare time I enjoy skiing, tennis, watersports and helping my Dad get our 1980 MGB back on the road. I am looking forward to turning my skills to help with the upgrade of the various club huts.